Archive for the 'music' Category

BPM Analyzer

I discovered a really cool music related tool today, and realise it may not perform a function that interests most people, but am going to do an overview of it anyway.

As someone that is particularly interested in music playback and the ability for a music player to shuffle through a music playlist by keeping the mood and style of music fairly constant while cycling through alternating bands and sub genres.  I am pretty excited to have discovered a free tool that goes by the name MixMeister BPM Analyzer.

MixMeister screenshot

Simply put, MixMeister BPM Analyzer is … a BPM (Beats Per Minute) Analyzing tool.  Just open it and point to a folder that contains music, and leave it to do it’s job.  It will process each track and calculate the BPM and save it to the BPM ID3 tag.  It requires no effort other than an install, and in combination with a decent music player such as Foobar, can lead to better organised music playback, so that music will flow between similarly paced songs, rather than the dreadful feeling of going head-first into a wall that is conjured by playing a fast song immediately by a slow song.

Foobar example:

This would be even cooler if the range was set to between +10 and -10 BPM of the currently playing song, but this is a start.

MixMeister BPM Analyzer seems to be a solidly made application that definitely falls in the tools category.  It has a job and performs it very well, for free, so there is no excuse to not have this program. It also seems to only access the registry to save an MRU settings.  So it should work fine portably.

Note: MixMeister BPM Analyzer can also export to a text file if that floats your boat.