Archive for August, 2008

My Suggestion for Domain Extensions/Top Level Domains

Top Level Domains (TLDs) also known as Domain Extensions current are most famous with .com.  It created the .com boom and helped shape the Internet into the popular resource it currently is.  However it’s led to a shortage in sub domain choices, as there can’t be more than one  The way it should be and the way it probably was intended to be is the following:

My efficient Windows file system layout

The way I have my files and folders organised on my computers is down to planning and optimizing to get the simplest and most efficient layout to create and save files quickly, and to best find and access files.

I basically have 3 drives on my main PC:

  1. Operating system drive.
  2. Data drive.
  3. Media drive.

Continue reading ‘My efficient Windows file system layout’

Windows Security: Eight suggestions

The ways I keep Microsoft Windows secure  All recommendations are FREE!

First of all, I do not run as Administrator.  This means that any program that is running while I am logged on, has no write access to system files.  Running as a Limited User means any program whether it be trusted and safe or malicious can not cause any harm to my computer, nor can it install itself in such as way to start up with Windows on all accounts.

I prevent software installing itself to start up automatically whenever my account logs in to Windows. I do this by having software act as a verification layer for whenever software tries to install itself to automatically start up I will receive a prompt asking if I wan’t this to take place.  This means software will never be automatically running from a boot up of Windows without my consent.

Continue reading ‘Windows Security: Eight suggestions’

“In The Cloud” – Portable programs and web-based programs

When I first learned how to program, one of the first things I wanted all my programs to do was use the Windows Registry.  I saw it as being the place all professional programmers stored their programs settings and therefore wanted my software to do the same.  As the years went by I came across a few of the obvious limitations of the Windows Registry:

  • Difficult to back up programs settings without having some sort of “Export Settings to ini” or something similar within the programs.
  • Having your settings tied to a particular computer means it is very hard to take those settings with you to other Computers
  • The Windows Registry is a messy and complex, and if there is ever a bug or some other need to have the users of your software use the registry in order to view, alter or export settings chances are things can go very, very wrong on a system-wide level.

Continue reading ‘“In The Cloud” – Portable programs and web-based programs’

PC/Console Gaming

I don’t see why keyboards and mice can’t be allowed for console gaming.  For games in the FPS and RTS genres it would please a great deal of users.

I understand they don’t want players with keyboards and mice playing with gamers using controllers, as there is an unfair advantage.  But why can’t keyboard users be forced into separate games to controller gamers?

Continue reading ‘PC/Console Gaming’

Custom ID3 Fields

I’m a long way off from having Foobar set up exactly how I want it, but now that I have Live Playlists and most of my custom keyboard shortcuts set up I can start thinking of further improvements.

I want 2 things:

  1. Song Rating within ID3 not a database like iTunes
  2. Multiple Genres, as a separate field so that it doesn’t confuse software that I am unable to make support my multi genre field.

At first thought Multiple Genres will just be a string of genres separated by dots or something.

Bye bye Winamp?

I’ve been a big fan and power user of Winamp since the Winamp 2.x days and with the exception of Winamp 3.x have loved the software to bits.  My use of it has changed over time, and it has allowed me to do so easily and without any restrictions.

My current way of working (listening) with Winamp has been:

  • A stripped down install of Winamp, with no video support and very few components installed, to reduce bloat.
  • A custom Skin/Color Profile that fits perfectly with my desktop theme.
  • Main window and Playlist window (no Media Library) both in compact mode and unlinked.
  • Winamp in the bottom right corner of the screen nestled above the taskbar looking like an extension of it.
  • Many customized keyboard shortcuts to give total control. Continue reading ‘Bye bye Winamp?’